Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Intentions

For me New Year's Resolutions never last. I think I will be better off with a list of New Year's Intentions.

Here is a list of things I intend to do this year. This list is not in any particular order.

Front Door

Back door
Breakfast room
Living room

Clean up flower beds
Make a vegetable garden
Haul away old lawn furniture/old furniture

Kitchen cabinets
Sewing room
Linen closet
Book cases

Learn New Crafts
Learn to design my own knitting patterns

Finish my Nanowrimo novel
Write 500 words a day
Prepare for Nanowrimo 2007

Improve as a Person
Send out Birthday cards and gifts.
Act on the thoughtful things I think about doing.
Look for a Church....again.
Be a more consistent housekeeper.

Improve Physically
Get down to my ideal weight.
Learn to ride my bike.
Walk everyday.
Get my blood sugar levels under control.

This is not an exhaustive list. But it is enough for now.

One last intention:

I will try to post the things I do complete.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Mrs. Beeton's

My daughter wanted a pair of wrist warmers. Brenda Dayne from the Cast-On Podcast has designed a very lovely pair. I have been wanting to try them.

My daughter picked out some truly awful acrylic yarn. So, of course, what came off my needles looked horrible and she does not like it.

Besides the yukkie acrylic it was also worsted weight which is way too heavy. The ruffle stood out like a clown's collar.

Some poor doll is destined to have a very funny skirt.

I am going to try it again. This time with yarn I pick out and who knows if I am feeling motherly at the time maybe in colors she would like.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Not Ready.

I am not ready for Christmas at all.

Well Christmas is like having a baby. It comes whether you are ready or not.

A Bird Fall Out

I was making breakfast this morning and I notice that all the usual birds were at the feeders.

Usually, I get a few here and a few there. It is not often that they all come to visit at once.

As Jim and I were sitting down to eat. I looked out of the window to see hundreds of black birds falling into our yard. All my birds had gone and the yard and feeders was literally covered with black birds. They were smaller than crows which we have a few living in the area. Jim said they were either Grackles or Starling. The flock was at least 500. They fell from the sky like leaves in a strong wind. Swirling and landing only to rise again by some unseen command.

On the ground by the feeders was a bird that looked like the rest except for yellow patches on the wings. It was similar to Red-winged Blackbird. But it was all yellow. No red or orange at all. I wondered if it was an immature Red-wing. Jim did not think it was. He was about to get his camera to take a picture when the birds as one flew off. They circled the neighboring trees landing and circling before they move on in a whirl of bedlam.

I thought not for the first time that we need a webcam on the feeders.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

What I Learned From NOT Finishing Nanowrimo

It sucks that they pick November to do Nanowrimo.

My son Mark and my Granddaughter Monet came for 5 days at Thanksgiving. FIVE DAYS. I could not sit down at the computer for 2 minutes without being called away.

I know that definately next year I will have a plot outline and character studies for the 4 characcters. I will try to not write at home if my daughter is there. Monet is 9 and Missy is 27. It is a toss up who interrupted me more.

I do plan on finishing it during the month of January. I just have to see what happens to my characters.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


My daughter told me she was having trouble signing into my blog. I know on the set up page there is place that allows my blog to be publish over the web. I was looking for it.

Somehow I deleted my F&%#@?g blog. (I need to breath here.)

It is not to be found. I don't have time right now to try to find or fix it. I will write later. Just not now. After Nanowrimo is over.